RISC2 Project Reveals Achievements in EU-LATAM HPC Collaboration at Brussels Meet

RISC2 Webinar Series Aims to Benefit HPC Research and Industry in Europe and Latin America

Serie de Webinars de RISC2 beneficiarán la investigación y la industria de HPC en Europa y América Latina

RISC2 Institutional Video

RISC2 webinar series aims to benefit HPC research and industry in Europe and Latin America

RISC2 Webinar Series

Combining HPC with Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics – there’s a webinar that’ll show you how to do it

LNCC no Ciclo de Palestras do CEDRI-IPB, Portugal

Projecto RISC2 distinguido por jornal internacional especializado em computação avançada

RISC2 project acknowledged by international journal specialised in advanced computing

Projeto RISC2 em alta

RISC2: enabling cross-continental HPC collaboration for society’s evolution

BSC receives double honours in 2022 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards

HPCwire Reveals Winners of the 2022 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards During SC22

EU and Latin America push for industry innovation using supercomputers

Webinars on high-performance computing to benefit research and industry in Europe and Latin America

RISC2 Project Hosts HPC Webinars for Europe and Latin America

EU and Latin America push for industry innovation using supercomputers

44 instituciones científicas y académicas se unen para crear el Laboratorio Nacional de Supercomputación

RISC2 virtual workshop on High-Performance Computing (HPC), data science and scientific computing

RISC2 Project: Exploring the real and potential impact of HPC on Latin America and Europe

RISC2 Project

Projekt RISC2: EU und Lateinamerika koordinieren HPC-Forschung

RISC2: EU and Latin America Coordinating HPC Research

Un Proyecto europeo que promueve la cooperación intercontinental para impulsar la supercomputación

Coppe participa de projeto europeu em computação de alto desempenho

BSC to Lead RISC2: A Cooperative European HPC Project

RISC2: un proyecto europeo que promueve la cooperación intercontinental para impulsar la supercomputación

Projeto europeu estimula cooperação entre continentes para melhorar o desempenho em computação de elevado desempenho

Projeto europeu estimula cooperação entre continentes para melhorar o desempenho em computação de elevado desempenho

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