
Three years of building bridges in HPC research between Europe and Latin America: RISC2 project comes to an end

Artificial intelligence, personalised medicine, the development of new drugs or the fight against climate change. These are just a few...

CARLA 2023: RISC2 Results Presented at Largest HPC Conference in Latin America

From September 18 to 22, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, hosted the Latin America High-Performance Computing Conference (CARLA), which brought together around...

60 students participated in the ACM Europe Summer School dedicated to HPC Computer Architectures

At the beginning of July, the Barcelona Super Computing Center hosted the 4th edition of the ACM Europe Summer School...

RISC2’s partners gather in Brussels to reflect on three years of collaboration between EU and Latin America

Over the past three years, the RISC2 project has established a network for the exchange of knowledge and experience that...

SC-Camp 2023 gathers students from HPC related fields in Cartagena de Indias

Last month, students from the field of Computer Sciences, Engineering and others related to HPC (Physics & Material Sciences, Biology/Bioinformatics,...

Latin American researchers present greener gateways for Big Data in INRIA Brazil Workshop

In the scope of the RISC2 Project, the State University of Sao Paulo and INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en...

More than 100 students participated in the HPC, Data & Architecture Week

RISC2 supported the ‘HPC, Data & Architecture Week’, which took place between March 13 and 17, 2023, in Buenos Aires....

EU, Latin America and Caribbean partners launch in Colombia the EU-LAC Digital Alliance

On 14 March Bogotá, Colombia, the European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Digital Alliance was launched, a joint initiative to champion...

LNCC encourages the participation of girls and women in science and technology careers

In January 2023, LNCC participated in the project "Futuras Cientistas" - in English, "Future Girls in Science" -, promoted by...

Costa Rica HPC School 2023 aimed at teaching the fundamental tools and methodologies in parallel programming

The Costa Rica HPC School 2023, organized by CeNAT in collaboration with the RISC2 project, took place between January 30...

RISC2 institutional video available

RISC2 publishes its institutional video, which briefly presents the project, its main goals and objectives. The video is English but...

LNCC’s HPC Summer School provided sessions related to HPC to their community

LNCC, one of the RISC2 Brazilian partners, organized the HPC Summer School “Escola Supercomputador Santos Dumont,” which took place between...

RISC2 webinar series aims to benefit HPC research and industry in Europe and Latin America

After the success of the first 4 webinars, the RISC2 Webinar Series "HPC System & Tools" is back for its...

Call for Proposals to Support High Performance Computing Centers

The call is now open until March 31, 2023. The Call for High Performance Computing (HPC) Centers aims to support...

RISC2 cooperated to promote HPC networking in Uruguay

RISC2 organized, together with our partner Universidad de la República Uruguay (UdelaR), a seminar on High-Performance Computing, which took place...

LNCC participated in the 19th Brazilian Science and Technology National Week

Carla Osthoff, LNCC's researcher, presented the Santos Dumont Supercomputer on the 19th Brazilian Science and Technology National Week, organised by...

RISC2 discussed the digital transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean

RISC2 participated in the "Dialogue on the Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean", which...

LNCC is making efforts to promote the best HPC practices

Our partner LNCC participated in different events to promote interaction and exchange of knowledge and the best HPC practices between...

RISC2 attended the Supercomputing Conference 2022

The RISC2 team participated in the Supercomputing Conference 2022, in Dallas, Texas. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking,...

RISC2 receives honors in 2022 HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards

The RISC2 project has been recognised in the annual HPCwire Readers' and Editors' Choice Awards, presented at the 2022 International...

RISC2 supported the first school of HPC Administrators in Latin America and Caribe

The National Laboratory of High Performance Computing (NLHPC), our partner from Chile, was the responsible for the first school of...

RISC2 highly represented at CARLA 2022

RISC2 was part of the organization committee of the Latin America High-Performance Computing Conference (CARLA 2022), which took place between...

RISC2 publishes the White Paper on HPC Research, Development, and Innovation in Latin America

One of the overall goals of the RISC2 project is the White Paper on HPC Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI)...

RISC2 organized a workshop co-located with IEEE Cluster 2022

RISC2, in collaboration with EU-LAC ResInfra, organized the workshop “HPC for International Collaboration between Europe and Latin America”, in conjunction...

RISC2 supported ACM Europe Summer School 2022

The 2022 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications” was hosted by the Barcelona...

23 people gathered at the Costa Rica HPC School 2022 to learn more about HPC tools

The Costa Rica HPC School 2022, organized by CeNAT in collaboration with the RISC2 project, gathered 23 people between August...

Pégaso, the most powerful supercomputer in Latin America

Brazilian petroleum company Petrobras (Petroleo Brasileiro) has announced the upcoming inauguration of its new Rio de Janeiro-based supercomputer, Pégaso. With...

RISC2 Webinar Series | HPC System & Tools

The RISC2 project is organizing a webinar series about “HPC System & Tools”. The webinars will be happening until the end...

RISC2 Project first review meeting

On July 11th, the RISC2 project had its first Periodic Review Meeting with the European Commission and their experts. The...

Coppe gives a lecture about ACM Turing Award

Alvaro Coutinho, our researcher from Coppe/UFRJ, gave a lecture about the 2021 ACM Turing Award winner Jack Dongarra and his...

RISC2 organized virtual workshop focused on High-Performance Computing (HPC), data science and scientific computing

The RISC2 project organized a virtual workshop dedicated to High-Performance Computing (HPC), data science and scientific computing. The workshop, which...

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

The 2022 call is now OPEN with a deadline on 14 September 2022. The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) contribute to excellent...

RISC2 partners met at UFRJ during the “Eureka meets the Atlantic” event

Alvaro Coutinho and Marta Mattoso, from UFRJ, and Rui Oliveira, from INESC TEC, met during the “EUREKA meets the ATLANTIC”...

RISC2 has a working group on HPC, Data Science and Scientific Computing

The RISC2 project has launched a working group for a convergence between High Performance Computing (HPC), Data Science (including Machine...

Open call for EU&LAC collaboration

Transnational consortia are invited to submit proposals related to the following 6 topics in the thematic fields of Global Challenges,...

CINVESTAV hosts a meeting with representatives of supercomputing centers in Mexico

CINVESTAV, one of RISC2’s partners, hosted a virtual meeting with representatives from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the HPC...

RISC2 presented at the Mexican Congress

Mateo Valero Cortés, Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, presented the RISC2 project to the Science, Technology and Innovation Committee...

The National Laboratory for High Performance Computing awarded funding for 5 years

The National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC), with the support of the RISC2 project, was awarded a new fund...

RISC2 partner is a member of AISIS 2021’s Scientific Committee

Rafael Mayo Garcia, from CIEMAT, one of the RISC2 partners, participated at AISIS 2021 as a part of the Scientific...

National Laboratory for High Performance Computing awarded Fondequip Major funding

The National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC), the national supercomputing center in Chile and one of the RISC2 partners,...

RISC2 with a strong presence at CARLA 2021

The RISC2 project participated at the Latin America High-Performance Computing Conference (CARLA 2021), which took place between September 27 and...

National Laboratory for Scientific Computing participated in the ISC2021

The National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), one of the RISC2 partners from Brazil, presented two posters at the Event...



Scientific Machine Learning and HPC

In recent years we have seen rapid growth in interest in artificial intelligence in general, and machine learning (ML) techniques,...

Subsequent Progress And Challenges Concerning The México-UE Project ENERXICO: Supercomputing And Energy For México

In this short notice, we briefly describe some afterward advances and challenges with respect to two work packages developed in...

Developing Efficient Scientific Gateways for Bioinformatics in Supercomputer Environments Supported by Artificial Intelligence

Scientific gateways bring enormous benefits to end users by simplifying access and hiding the complexity of the underlying distributed computing...

Towards a greater HPC capacity in Latin America

High-Performance Computing (HPC) has proven to be a strong driver for science and technology development, and is increasingly considered indispensable...

Mapping human brain functions using HPC

ContentMAP is the first Portuguese project in the field of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience to be awarded with European Research...

JUPITER Ascending – First European Exascale Supercomputer Coming to Jülich

It was finally decided in 2022: Forschungszentrum Jülich will be home to Europe's first exascale computer. The supercomputer is set to...

Advanced Computing Collaboration to Growth Sustainable Ecosystems

The impact of High-Performance Computing (HPC) in different contexts related to the needs of high capabilities and strategies to simulate...

Managing Data and Machine Learning Models in HPC Applications

The synergy of data science (including big data and machine learning) and HPC yields many benefits for data-intensive applications in...

Using supercomputing for accelerating life science solutions

The world of High Performance Computing (HPC) is now moving towards exascale performance, i.e. the ability of calculating 1018 operations per...

First School of HPC Administrators in Latin America and the Caribbean: A space for the formation of computational thinking

From the top 500 High performance computing systems of the world, only 6 are placed in Latin America; this makes...

Leveraging HPC technologies to unravel epidemic dynamics

When we talk about the 14th century, we probably are making reference to one of the most adverse periods of...

HPC meets AI and Big Data

HPC services are no longer solely targeted at highly parallel modelling and simulation tasks. Indeed, the computational power offered by...

ACM Summer School as a meeting point for Latin American young researchers

In 1962, Arthur C. Clark, a gifted man in fiction and non-fiction, said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from...

Supercomputing as a great opportunity for the clean energy transition

Given the current trend of the EU political agenda in the energy sector linking their strategy to accelerate decarbonization with...

EU-LATAM research collaboration to encourage regional research ecosystems

The European Union and Latin American countries have a long history of research collaboration. Programmes like Horizon Europe and Horizon...


RISC2 Project Reveals Achievements in EU-LATAM HPC Collaboration at Brussels Meet

RISC2 Webinar Series Aims to Benefit HPC Research and Industry in Europe and Latin America

Serie de Webinars de RISC2 beneficiarán la investigación y la industria de HPC en Europa y América Latina

RISC2 Institutional Video

RISC2 webinar series aims to benefit HPC research and industry in Europe and Latin America

RISC2 Webinar Series

Combining HPC with Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics – there’s a webinar that’ll show you how to do it

LNCC no Ciclo de Palestras do CEDRI-IPB, Portugal

Projecto RISC2 distinguido por jornal internacional especializado em computação avançada

RISC2 project acknowledged by international journal specialised in advanced computing

Projeto RISC2 em alta

RISC2: enabling cross-continental HPC collaboration for society’s evolution

BSC receives double honours in 2022 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards

HPCwire Reveals Winners of the 2022 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards During SC22

EU and Latin America push for industry innovation using supercomputers

Webinars on high-performance computing to benefit research and industry in Europe and Latin America

RISC2 Project Hosts HPC Webinars for Europe and Latin America

EU and Latin America push for industry innovation using supercomputers

44 instituciones científicas y académicas se unen para crear el Laboratorio Nacional de Supercomputación

RISC2 virtual workshop on High-Performance Computing (HPC), data science and scientific computing

RISC2 Project: Exploring the real and potential impact of HPC on Latin America and Europe

RISC2 Project

Projekt RISC2: EU und Lateinamerika koordinieren HPC-Forschung

RISC2: EU and Latin America Coordinating HPC Research

Un Proyecto europeo que promueve la cooperación intercontinental para impulsar la supercomputación

Coppe participa de projeto europeu em computação de alto desempenho

BSC to Lead RISC2: A Cooperative European HPC Project

RISC2: un proyecto europeo que promueve la cooperación intercontinental para impulsar la supercomputación

Projeto europeu estimula cooperação entre continentes para melhorar o desempenho em computação de elevado desempenho

Projeto europeu estimula cooperação entre continentes para melhorar o desempenho em computação de elevado desempenho

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